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Friday, June 24, 2011

THE FACE OF GRIEF: When There Are No More Tears to Cry

What do we do when there are no more tears to cry
What do we do when we feel empty and dead inside
What do we do when joy and happiness have withered and dried
What do we do when nothing helps after all has been tried?

My heart is bleeding. So many tears I have cried
So why am I now being denied
The right to shed tears. Why do they hide
So deep inside?
Who reached inside and squeezed my heart dry?

Invisible hand why do you throw my emotions aside
Why am I tortured and made to ride the tide of implied lies
That say I feel nothing. Hurt bubbles and boils inside
The emptiness and sorrow will never ever subside.

What do we do when there are no more tears to cry
What do we do when we feel empty and dead inside
What do we do when joy and happiness have withered and dried
What do we do when nothing helps after all has been tried?


"There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They're the messengers of overwhelming grief ... and unspeakable love." ~ Washington Irving

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