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Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Miracles happen in all our lives but have you ever had an experience that was so great that you instantly knew that this was something wondrous: something rare and beautiful?  I had just such an experience in my life not that long ago.  Some might think that is was nothing special at all but I lived it and knew immediately that this was something very special indeed.  A gift of monumental proportions.  A gift that might well have grounded me and saved my sanity and in turn showed me how beautiful life can be.

A Beautiful New Day
September 27. 2010

It rained last night.  Nothing unusual, nothing different.  But today WAS different.  Today I woke up, opened my eyes, and breathed - deep.  Cool, clean refreshing air filled and expanded my lungs.  My ears were open and I heard the stellar jays singing their screeching morning song; chipmunks scolding birds.  I heard the rain on the roof, filling the gutters, rushing and tumbling to the ground.  Today was different because I FELT ALIVE.

The fog that had surrounded my every thought, my every sense, and robbed me of my strength and zest for life for these past eight months had rolled back and world was new again - and beautiful.  I walked downstairs and stepped outside into the crisp cool morning.  The trees were reflecting on the wet pavement of the driveway.  The greens of the grass and foliage were deep and vibrant.  Moss hung and swayed from branches of the evergreens.  I saw the lacy pattern of a spider's web glistening from the rain. The tiny spider was sleeping in the center of its web - peaceful and content after its labor.  Crocus were blooming in the garden - confused into thinking it was Spring; my tomatoes still green from the short summer.  In the woodland I found a leaf with red berries growing in the center of the leaf.  Previously never seen.  Little raindrops covered my glasses and ran down the lens.

And the air - the air was so incredible.  It was as though I had gone for months and months and months without breathing in.  I had not been living, I had been existing.  I had seen without seeing and heard without hearing.

I do not know if I've returned to this brave new world permanently or if I'm just visiting but I shall enjoy every second of today.  If not, and I know there will be times when I'll get lost again when sorrow comes calling and buries me in grief, I will look back on today and remember that the world is beautiful - and waiting for me to reawaken and start living again - really living.

As a part of nature people, like trees, must sometimes take a long slumber and gather energy and new life before they reawaken and life is renewed.  I still have much healing that must take place and many dark places to travel through but Hope like the twinkling North Star will guide my way.  Thank you Lord for the wondrous gift of today.

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